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時尚品牌網>商務頻道>品牌招商>Robyn 洪英妮 品牌介紹
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Robyn 洪英妮 品牌介紹




Robyn更愿意將其稱作“新嬉皮”,那是一種源于并高于吉普賽人的、嶄新的生活方式,更時髦、更浪漫、更懷舊,將60年代游吟詩人與前衛(wèi)的jet set生活的經典元素兼收并蓄。


Robyn's existence is to create a wonderful escape for girls nowadays. So we can remember life is a feast God has prepared long ago for us. Every season, we are to bring fun, adventure and pleasure to you through our collection. It's the courage and humor we need for a splendid happy life. Therefore, the collection always has vibrant colour and exotic material that fulfill free spirit longing for modern hippies. The new word has been create by this new way of living, Gypset is combining the romantic gypsy nostalgia from the past to the new jet set lifestyle of today. In order for the girls to enter a fantasy world, we created a space using familiar patterns but distorted it with mirrors and glass. So it is a confusing yet amazing visual experience that gives a dreamy atmosphere. One can break out from real life the second when comes in and feel the spiritual freedom. By putting on the garments, there's a total transformation and rediscover oneself. Robyn's hand painted carpet is ready to fly the girls to their dream island.

加盟聯(lián)系人:施小姐 13003230389 / 021-64652901*8501
                        黃小姐 021-64652901*8503


女裝品牌招商上海女裝品牌招商[2013-5-23 17:53]





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